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Getting Windows Mobile Device Center or Activesync to Work

Please Note: Windows Mobile Device Center is no longer supported by Microsoft or MicroSurvey.  Some customers have reported that the utility works on newer computers but in most cases the software will not detect when a mobile device is connected to the USB cable.  Please obtain a memory card or USB drive for reliable data transfer between your computer and Windows controller.

One of the most common questions the staff at MicroSurvey answer is "My ActiveSync stopped working. How do I get it go again?".

We would like to clear up a little confusion about ActiveSync. Some of customers are not aware that ActiveSync is manufactured by Microsoft.

Although we use it to transfer files between the data collector and your Windows PC, we do not make ActiveSync. You can download ActiveSync from Microsoft's web site at this link.

Note that it is quite likely that Microsoft will change this link, so if it does not work, please go to -> Downloads -> Mobile Devices, and you should see the latest version of ActiveSync as one of the most popular downloads.

Here are a few tricks that we use with ActiveSync:

  • Sometimes you need to reset the device to get ActiveSync to connect.
  • Sometimes you have to re-install ActiveSync. This somehow "refreshes" the installation and it will magically start to work again.
  • Occasionally if you use partnerships they can become corrupted.‚  Deleting all your partnerships and creating new ones can sometimes fix connection issues.
  • With some devices, the first connection with a PC can be a bit stubborn. Once the connection is made the first time, it seems to be fine.
  • Install the most current version of ActiveSync.‚ 
  • Upgrade to our MicroSurvey Transfer program instead of using the old ActiveSync Support program.
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  1. Jason Poitras

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
