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MicroSurvey inCAD 2015 Known Issues

Date Reported: December 18, 2009

Status: Confirmed (10.1.0)

Problem: MicroSurvey commands are not added to the AutoCAD menus after install, until you open a drawing.

Solution: inCAD will always launch Project Manager on startup, and after a drawing is selected inCAD will load the MicroSurvey menus.

Date Reported: November 2, 2009

Status: Confirmed (10.1.0)

Problem: When running inCAD under Windows Vista or newer, the "What's This?" Help feature may not work.

Solution: If you wish to use the "What's This?" Help feature, you may need to download and install an update from Microsoft, because Windows Vista and newer does not ship with the WinHelp32 viewer. Please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. Please note, the main Help files will work without this update.

Date Reported: February 27, 2015

Status: Confirmed (15.0.0)

Problem: The IPN (Independent Point Numbers) feature may not work well, depending on your video card and Hardware Acceleration setting.

Solution: If you have issues with the IPN labels flashing or disappearing, run the GRAPHICSCONFIG command and toggle your Hardware Acceleration setting Off or On.  With some video cards, IPNs perform best with Hardware Acceleration On (default) while others perform best with it Off.  AutoCAD will perform better overall with Hardware Acceleration On.  (Previous versions of inCAD used to automatically turn Hardware Acceleration Off, but this is no longer the case.)

Date Reported: May 15 27, 2015

Status: Confirmed (15.0.0)

Problem: Importing a LandXML file with Parcels may cause a crash in the 32-bit versions of inCAD 2015 for AutoCAD.

Workarounds: LandXML files not containing Parcels can be imported into both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions without issue. LandXML files containing Parcels can be imported into the 64-bit versions without issue. LandXML files containing Parcels can be imported into the 32-bit version if the option to import the Parcels is deselected.

Solution: This will be fixed in a future update.

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  1. Brian Sloman

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated a year ago
