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Configuring GPRS on a CS20

CS20 Data collectors require an additional step to utilize the Data Collector Internet option in MicroSurvey's FieldGenius, Layout and EVR programs. The User must establish a connection to the GPRS network before attempting to use the internal modem to connect to a reference network with SIM card in the CS20. Here is a quick Guide to show you how to setup a GPRS internet connection.

*Note: A valid SIM card is required for this operation*

*Note: This solution requires Captivate firmware version 5.50 or newer*

  1. Press the Windows Start Button in the bottom left corner of the screen. Go to Settings and then Network Connections to bring up the connections settings window. Now Press and Hold on the GPRS icon to bring up the "Right Click" menu. Choose Properties to launch the GPRS properties window as shown. In the Select a modem pull down menu, choose "SmartWorx Modem on VCU1" from the list of options.

  1. The second step is to establish a GPRS connection. Go back into the Windows Start button menu and choose Settings but this time select the "Control Panel." Locate the "GPRS Cfg" icon and double tap it to bring to GPRS configure window as shown below. Depending on the SIM card settings, an Authentication username and passward and/or PIN code maybe required. If no authentication or pin code is required then check the boxes labelled "No Authentication Required" and "No SIM Pin Required". You should not need to alter the default "Phone Number" of (*99***1#) or "Extra initilization commands" values, and they should be similar to below:
  2. Press the Dial button to start the connection.
  3. Once the connection is established the following window will appear. Click on "Hide" and test the connection by opening up the Internet Explorer and browse to a website.


While under Settings > Network Connections > (right-click) GPRS > Properties > Configure, you can adjust the Port Settings and Call Options. You shouldn't need to change these settings from their default values, but you may confirm them against the values shown below, in case they have been changed at some point.

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  1. Jorden Friesen

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