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MSCAD 2015 Menus Reset

Our customers are reporting that in some cases the menus within MSCAD 2015 get mixed up or go missing altogether. An example of this can be seen below:

Missing Menus

To restore all menus to factory settings:

  1. Go to Tools Menu
  2. Select Customize
  3. On the Menus tab, click Reset at the bottom right
  4. Click Yes
  5. Click Close

NOTE: If the Tools menu is missing, type CUSTOMIZE in the command line, then proceed to Step 3.

Experience Level

If certain commands are unavailable within the menus, and resetting the menus does not restore them; chances are that your experience level setting is presenting a reduced command set in your menus. To change your experience level setting:

  1. Go to Tools Menu
  2. Select Options
  3. On the General tab, set the Experience Level to Advanced
  4. Click OK

These steps also apply to earlier versions of MSCAD.

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  1. Jacob Wall

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
