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Connecting to a Wireless Network on a Windows Mobile Device

This article will follow the steps required to connect your Windows Mobile Handheld Device to a wifi network. This is often done when using the "Data Collector Internet" method of accessing an RTK correction signal from a network caster.

Step 1: Tap the toolbar across the top of the home screen to show the drop down menu.

Step 2: Choose Wireless Manager.

Tap Wi-Fi, to turn it on. Then choose Menu.

Choose Wi-Fi Settings.

Select the wireless network you wish to connect to.

Choose Connects to: The Internet.

Configure the authentication settings to match your wireless network.

Choose Finish.

Your device should now connect to the network.

Check your connection by opening Internet Explorer.

Type in a web URL.

Connection is confirmed.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. James Thomas

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
