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MicroSurvey embeddedCAD 2017 Known Issues


Date Reported: November 2, 2009

Status: Confirmed (10.1.0)

Problem: When running embeddedCAD under Windows Vista or newer, the "What's This?" Help feature may not work.

Solution: If you wish to use the "What's This?" Help feature, you may need to download and install an update from Microsoft, because Windows Vista and newer does not ship with the WinHelp32 viewer. Please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. Please note, the main Help files will work without this update.

Date Reported: October 6, 2016

Status: Confirmed (15.0.0)

Problem: Computing an area using the FastArea command may preduce imprecise answers which may vary depending on your zoom level.

Cause The perimeter is determined using AutoCAD's Boundary Polyline command, which we discovered uses the displayed pixels to smooth the resulting polyline and eliminate small details around the perimeter that are not apparent at the current display level.

Workaround: Users are advised to verify their calculated areas using the "Calculate Area by Point Numbers" command.

Solution: The Fast Area command will be redesigned in a future update so as to not use AutoCAD's Boundary Polyline command for determining the boundary.

Date Reported: November 29, 2016

Status: Confirmed (17.0.0)

Problem: MSPoint Layer not created when importing or adding points

Workaround: Run MS_RESCALE it moves the point(s) from 0 to MSPOINT and after that new points are drawn on MSPOINT as expected. 


Date Reported: November 29, 2016

Status: Confirmed (17.0.0)

Problem: Layout Viewports can either shift or rescale when zooming or panning.

Solution: We are in consultation with Autodesk to try to find a solution.


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