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MicroSurvey embeddedCAD 2018 (32-bit)

This is a full install for MicroSurvey embeddedCAD 2018 (v18.0.0.5301), 32-bit version.  (Click here for the 64-bit version.)

View the release notes here. Additional details and download links are available in our Helpdesk news feed.

MicroSurvey embeddedCAD 2018 can be run in a 30-day, fully functional trial version for demonstration purposes.

Existing MicroSurvey embeddedCAD users with a current (non-expired) maintenance plan must use the USB License Manager application to update their USB License Key(s) to run this version beyond the 30-day trial period. If your maintenance plan has expired, please call MicroSurvey Software Inc. at 1-800-668-3312 or +1-250-707-0000 or contact your local MicroSurvey dealer to renew it.


MD5: 628bbbd56213d6b760bd02aeca353db2
SHA1: 13eb6217cc774fa5ae4189fbc0bd7f1cdcf312f2
SHA256: c8fb01ace4c298236818eea8b08515cc8acfdf10261a23c274c694ac05c78146

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  1. Brian Sloman

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated a year ago
