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Fonts or text appear altered after printing

Problem: After printing a drawing (or after displaying a print preview) the font type appears incorrect or altered from the intended format. See examples below.

Note the "W" in Weston shown in blue:

Note the "W" appears incorrectly in the print preview:

Cause: In recent versions of the software support has been added for extended formatting options when using a CTB (print style table) file. Users who have applied a company standard CTB file for many years could notice the problem upon updating to a recent version of MSCAD (2016 or newer).

Solution: Edit the CTB file in the Print Option menu. In this example Colors 3 and 5 (Green and Blue) were set to use Butt ends and Miter joints. Changing these settings to "use entity style" will solve the issue. Choose "Save As" if you would like to save new copy of your CTB file with the updated settings. For more information on CTB files please see "Print Style Table Editor dialog box" in the MSCAD help.

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  1. James Thomas

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  3. Updated
