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Command-Line Interface with Star*Net Ultimate

Command-Line Interface with Star*Net v9.1 or newer for single or batch file processing

Star*Net now has the ability to run "silent" adjustments through the CMD prompt interface of your Windows based computer. 

A Note about Licensing:

This functionality requires a STAR*NET Ultimate license.  STAR*NET Ultimate also enables adjustments of greater than 10,000 stations up to 65,000 stations.

The process for running Star*Net from the command-line interface is rather simple.

1) Press the Windows Start Button
2) Type CMD and press Enter (this should bring up the command prompt dialog)
3) By default the line C:\Users\User Name> should show (user name will vary)

To RUN a single project throu Star*Net using the CMD Prompt:

1) At the Command Prompt the user will first have to enter in the path to the Star*Net.EXE exacutable file.

  • For example: "c:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9"\starnet.exe   /run
    Take notice of the "/run" at the end and the (") as these are critical. Now if the user presses ENTER at this point, the Star*Net program will launch but nothing further will be done. 

2) To get Star*Net to launch and run an adjustment on a project, the user will have to enter in the path to the particular project after the path to the program.

  • For Example: C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\Tutorial01-Trav2D.snproj

3) This is what should be entered into the command prompt after the default C:\Users\User Name>:

  • "C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9"\starnet.exe   C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\Tutorial01-Trav2D.snproj   /run

Again to recap the first section is to tell the computer what program to launch and the second section is to tell that program what to do.


Some Users will have to run multiple projects through Star*Net on a regular basis. This can be a very time consuming, tedious task to accomplish and completely unnecessary with the Batch file feature.   

To CREATE a batch file for multiple projects in Star*Net:

1) Launch the NotePad utility

2) Type in the exact same lines as described previously into the document.

  • For example:"C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9"\starnet.exe   C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\Tutorial01-Trav2D.snproj   /run

3) Press Enter to move down to the next line and Copy/Paste in the same text as the line above but change the project name to a new one. For example: Tutorial02-Net2D.snproj

4) Press Enter to move down to the next line and Copy/Paste in the same text as the line about but change the project name to a new one. For example: Tutorial03-Trav3D.snproj

Now you should have a notepad document with the following lines written into it:

  • "c:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9"\starnet.exe   C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\Tutorial01-Trav2D.snproj   /run
  • "c:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9"\starnet.exe   C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\Tutorial02-Net2D.snproj    /run
  • "c:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9"\starnet.exe   C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\Tutorial03-Trav3D.snproj  /run

5) Save the notepad document as a *.BAT file (not a *.TXT) and store it in the "C:\Users\User Name" directory for easy access.

  • For example: C:\Users\frie\Tutorials1-3.BAT

To RUN the batch file through Star*Net:

1) Press the Windows Start Button

2) Type CMD and press Enter (this should bring up the command prompt dialog)

3) By default the line C:\Users\User Name> should show (user name will vary)

4) Type in the name of the .BAT file you saved earlier after the default prompt and press ENTER

  • For Example: C:\Users\frie>Tutorials1-3.BAT 

This will launch Star*Net v9.1 in silent mode and run adjustments on all projects listed in the .BAT file.

The results of the adjustments will be shown in the CMD prompt interface window.


C:\Users\frie>"c:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9"\starnet.exe C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\Tutorial01-Trav2D.snproj /run

MicroSurvey STAR*NET-ULTIMATE v9.1.4.7742
-> open C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\Tutorial01-Trav2D.snproj
-> run: C:\Users\frie\Documents\MicroSurvey\StarNet\Examples\
-> add: Tutorial01-Trav2D.dat
Network Adjustment with Error Propagation
Loading Network Data ...
Reading Line #1
Checking Network Data ...
Computing Point Graphical Connections
Processing distance 1 of 12
Processing distance 12 of 12
Processing angle 13 of 13
Processing azimuth 1 of 1
Computing Point Network Connections
Performing Network Adjustment ...
Iteration # 1
Processing Distance 1 -> 2
Processing Point 1 of 10
Processing Point 10 of 10
Solving 20 of 20
Iteration # 2
Processing Distance 1 -> 2
Processing Point 1 of 10
Processing Point 10 of 10
Solving 20 of 20
Iteration # 3
Processing Distance 1 -> 2
Processing Point 1 of 10
Processing Point 10 of 10
Solving 20 of 20
Writing Unadjusted Observations
Solution Has Converged in 3 Iterations
Statistical Summary
Observation Count Error Factor
Angles 13 0.308
Distances 12 1.354
Az/Bearings 1 0.000
Total 26 0.945
Chi-Square Test at 5.00% Level Passed
Lower/Upper Bounds (0.522/1.480)

Performing Error Propagation ...
Processing Point 1 of 10
Processing Point 10 of 10
Writing Output Files ...
Writing Processed Observations
Sorting connection 1 of 12
Sorting connection 12 of 12
Network Processing Completed
Elapsed Time = 00:00:01
-> setting ERRORLEVEL to 0

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Jorden Friesen

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
