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Jobxml Converter Hotfix for STAR*NET 9.1

It was recently discovered that in STAR*NET 9.1a the jobxml converter and the jobxml import option of the GPS importer do not work. The log file will contain a message:

Error: JOBFilejobName ...(insert header from xml file here)... cannot be the Job XML root element

If you are attempting to import JobXML data using the GPS importer you will need to switch to using the JobXML converter, it will accomplish the same task but it creates a dat file which you must manually add to your project using the input panel.

1. Download this file and save it on your PC:

jobxml hotfix

2. Right click and unzip the file

3. Close STAR*NET, and ensure that you are logged into your computer as an administrator

4. Open file explorer and browse to this location:

C:\Program Files\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9

5. locate the file named JobXML.exe

6. Right click on JobXML.exe and select the option to rename it, change the name to Jobxmlold.exe

7. Now copy the file you created in step 2 into C:\Program Files\MicroSurvey\StarNet 9

8. Launch the revised JobXML converter from either the input menu or from your installed programs list from your Windows button (see note below for guidance on the method to choose).

NOTES about licensing:

If you have a single STAR*NET 9.1 Pro or Ultimate license and no additional licenses for a converter you will need to close STAR*NET and launch the converter from your Windows button.

If you have a STAR*NET 9.1 Plus, Standard or Lev license you will need a separate JobXML converter license to be able to run the JobXML converter


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  1. James Johnston

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
