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Error VCOMP140.DLL or some other Windows Component not found when launching MSCAD

Customers occasionally report that an error message like this have begun appearing when launching a MicroSurvey product:

If the VCOMP140.DLL is missing, MSCAD will show the following error message on launching.

VCOMP140.DLL is an essential system file for Windows OS and is also required by some MicroSurvey Products.  MicroSurvey installers normally check if the component (and all other required components) is in place and will update your system if it is missing.  But in some cases customers have reported that the uninstallation routines for other products that rely on the same component have removed the file or another component that depends on the file and not properly updated the registry so that the MicroSurvey installer knows the component is missing.  There have been other possible reasons for the components being missing but they vary on a case by case basis.

A number of customers have reported that they can resolve this issue and other issues regarding missing Windows components by manually installing the latest Visual C++ Redistributable file from Microsoft.

To fix the VCOMP140.DLL missing issue, you can click here to download the latest Visual C++ Redistributable file from the Microsoft official webpage and install it on your computer.

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  1. Kai Yang

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated a year ago
