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MicroSurvey SurveyTools for BricsCAD Known Issues

Known Issues

As known issues are addressed with each new release, the version with the fix will be updated below the list of current issues.

Several known issues are being addressed. Here is the list of the most common ones with workarounds:

Always use the Project Manager to create new drawings. There is a bug where we lose communication with the MicroSurvey Database when creating a drawing through File + New or the Quick New (+) button. This can be resolved by closing, then reopening the newly created drawing either through the Project Manager or the Start Page.

When MicroSurvey commands are added to tool palettes, the command icons do not display but the text labels do.

Changing the Visual Style between 2DWireframe and any other style, or any other style and 2DWireframe causes the Independent Point Numbers, Independent Point Descriptions, and Independent Point Elevations to no longer display until the drawing is saved, closed, and re-opened.

Sometimes the Independent Point Numbers, Descriptions, and Elevations will remain visible until the user pans or zooms when the points have been frozen or layers turned off.

Fixed in SurveyTools for BricsCAD V24.0:

Opening the same drawing in two instances of MicroSurvey software will create a file titled [Your Drawing].MSJ. The initial drawing will not allow the user to save, and many errors will be displayed on the command line. Do not open the same drawing in more than one instance of MicroSurvey software at the same time. If you do, close SurveyTools for BricsCAD, delete the file (not folder) named [Your Drawing].MSJ, and the drawing will open again as expected.

We have fixed the previously known issue where the same drawing is opened in two instances of SurveyTools for BricsCAD. We now warn the user the drawing is already open continue in read-only. 

Auto Bearing – Distance would sometimes place labels off the line depending on the direction of the line.

The Hot Toggles! Checkbox for point protection would not update after going through the Rotate Shift Scale (RTS) command.

The Fast Area command now always shows the perimeter and area on the command line, and when the output scale toggle is turned on, will include the scaled distances and areas.

The slidetext command now correctly sets the UCS to align with the line, move the label either in parallel with or orthogonally to the line, and return the UCS to the original setting.

Resolved a bug where moving labelled smart lines would cause the labels to be incorrectly positioned.

Resolved a bug where switching drawings and then editing a drawing would sometimes cause codebase errors.

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  1. Matt Mclean

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
