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MicroSurvey CAD 2010 SP3

A few of the most notable new features include...

  • Chainage - a new command called CHAINAGE (MsAnnotate | Chainage) is available for drawing customizable 2D or 3D stationing, station coordinates, deflection angles, and offset points along selected entities (lines, arcs, polylines), with highly customizable labeling options.
  • COGO - You can now repeat the last entered distance or direction in COGO by using the new Repeat option, or by using ++ on your numberpad.
  • Cut Sheets - You can now copy elevation values from as-built points to design points using the Cut Sheet tool.
  • First Available Point - A new command called FAP (MsPoints | List Points (Used and Unused) | First Available Point) is available for querying the first available point ID in any range and setting that as the Next ID.
  • Inverse - You can now use the INVERSE command to calculate between any two selected points in the drawing, it is no longer restricted to only using points stored in the coordinate database.
  • Label Points - The "Label N,E of Point" command will now label N,E or E,N depending on the "Use E,N format" system toggle.
  • Licensing - You can now "snooze" the startup message reminding you about an expired or nearly-expired maintenance subscription plan for 14 days so that it does not appear every time you start the program.
  • Tables - Line Table, Curves Table, and MultiTies Table commands now have a "Use Point IDs" option to include the point IDs directly in the table body, rather than creating named references like "L1" or "C2".
  • Surface Modeling - The Contour Labeling command has a new option to draw a Wipeout for masking the contour line behind the text label, instead of trimming the contour line around the label.
  • Text Editing - The MS_ROTEXT (MsAnnotate | Modify Text | Rotate Text 180 Degrees), MS_ROTOLINE (MsAnnotate | Modify Text | Rotate Text to Match Text/Line), and SLIDETEXT (MsAnnotate | Modify Text | Slide Text Along Axis) commands now allow selection of multiple text entities instead of just one at a time.
  • And many bug fixes!! Please see the Release Notes link below for full details.

Existing MicroSurvey CAD users with a current maintenance plan must use the USB License Manager application to update their USB License Key(s) before this version can be run.  If your maintenance plan has expired, please call MicroSurvey Software Inc. at 1-800-668-3312 or contact your local MicroSurvey dealer to renew it.  If you have never installed MicroSurvey CAD 2010 before, you can install it as a fully-functional 30-day trial version.

Release Notes:
Download Link:
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  1. Brian Sloman

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
