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Network Licenses

Network License Renewals


All MSCAD 2005 and Mapscenes 2006 network licenses need to be renewed at New Years.‚  If you are unable to register via a network license and have not used the program since the new year, please select the "Register Now" option and generate a registration form.‚  Fax or email the form to MicroSurvey and we will send a new password for your license as quickly as possible.

While you are waiting for the password, be sure to navigate to where your network license is located and delete or rename the existing MicroSurvey.lic.‚  You may also want to view the movies on network registration here:


When you receive your password follow the steps described in the movie.‚  Be sure to use the same network location as before.‚  If you are successful in registering, you are good to go until next year.

If you are given an error message when registering, you may need a "30 day reset" code from MicroSurvey.‚  Please phone us or generate and send a registration form for a "Standalone" license with a note explaining it is for a 30 day reset.‚  Once you have entered this password you should be able to register with the new license file upon restarting your MicroSurvey Program.




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  1. James Johnston

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