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Some Movies in MicroSurvey CAD 2008 do not play well

We have found that some of the movies in MicroSurvey CAD 2008 do not play well and may have weird sounds like pops and static.

A fix has been found and the revised movies will be included in the next service pack.



But you can repair the movies now by following the steps below:

  1. Close MSCAD
  2. Please download Movie Updates‚  (This is a large download)
  3. Save the file
  4. Once the download is finished‚ right click the file‚ and select "Extract all"
  5. Once the files have been extracted into a new folder called "Movie Updates," cut and paste all the files contained by that file into:
  6. C:\Program Files\MicroSurvey\MSCAD2008\Help\movies
  7. Click "Yes" to overwrite the files already there.
  8. Be sure to make some popcorn before settling down to view these Remastered Classics.







Choose files or drag and drop files
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