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MicroSurvey CAD 2008 Release Notes

What's New

For a complete list of new features in MicroSurvey CAD, please read the What's New topic.

Known Issues

For a list of known issues please visit the MicroSurvey CAD 2008 Known Issues topic in our online helpdesk.

USB License Key

MicroSurvey CAD 2008 uses a new licensing method. When you purchase MicroSurvey CAD you will be provided with a USB License Key. You are no longer required to email, phone or fax us to get your copy of MicroSurvey CAD registered.

Before you can use the key you must activate the key using a computer connected to the internet. You only need to do this once.

Please refer to the following topic for detailed information about updating your key. If you are going to activate your USB Key following "Method 2" as described in the Getting Started Guide you may need to download the USB License Manager Program.

Once activated, MicroSurvey CAD will find the license on the USB License Key.

Firewall Issues

Sometimes Network or Personal Firewalls can prevent the License Manager from accessing the internet. If you see an error message, "Unable to retrieve product information, please contact Technical Support." you probably have a firewall issue. Please read the MicroSurvey License Manager and Firewalls topic in our Helpdesk for more information.

Windows Vista Users

Run as Administrator Once

If installing on Windows Vista you should run the program with "Elevated Administrator" enabled the first time MicroSurvey CAD 2008 is run. Once this is done once, MicroSurvey CAD can be run by any user on the computer, including those who don't have administrative accounts.

To accomplish this, once the program is finished installing do the following:

  1. Right click on the MicroSurvey CAD 2008 icon.
  2. Choose "Run as Administrator"
  3. Open or create a new scene.

What's This Help

If you use the MicroSurvey CAD "What's this Help" feature, you will need to download and install an update from Microsoft. Please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information.

Please note, that the main MicroSurvey CAD Help file will work without this update.

MicroSurvey Transfer

FieldGenius Users will need to install the updated version of MicroSurvey Transfer.

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  1. Jason Poitras

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
