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Help doesn't work in Windows Vista

MSCAD 2008 / MapScenes 2008

"What's This?" Help doesn't work in Windows Vista


My computer runs the Windows Vista operating system. On dialogs such as the‚ one shown below, I can press the [Help] button to open the full help topic, but I can not press the [?] button to get the quick little What's This? tip to pop up. On another computer running Windows XP or Windows 2000, the [?] button works just fine.


The Windows Help program called WinHlp32.exe which was used with previous Windows operating systems is no longer included with Windows Vista. For complete details, please visit the following Microsoft webpage:


The WinHlp32.exe help program can be installed on Windows Vista, which will allow the "What's This?" help buttons to work properly. To download WinHlp32.exe for Windows Vista, please visit the following Microsoft webpage:

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