When Installing MSCAD 2009 or newer, some users have reported an error message:
Installer has insufficient priveleges to access directory:C:\DOCUMENTS & SETTINGS\ALL USERS\DOCUMENTS\SPELLING
...as a result, the installation fails to complete.
NOTE: You must be logged into your computer as an Administrator before installing MSCAD, check this before you proceed.
If you are logged in as an Administrator, there may be some Windows settings that cause this error. Please follow these steps for a solution:
1. Open up "My Computer"
2. Open Tools | Folder Options | and select the View Tab
3. Configure your system as shown in these two screen shots:
4. Use "My Computer" to navigate to the folder: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents
5. Right click on the "Shared Documents" folder and select "Sharing and Security"
NOTE: if you are using Windows XP Home you may need to restart in Safe mode before you can access this option
6. Pick the "Security" tab
7. Your system will have different Group and User names, but use this image as a guide to ensure that the user who is installing the program, or any user whose setting over rides the settings of the installer has "Full Control" enabled:
James Johnston