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Notes on changing MicroSurvey CAD to Ultimate from Premium, Standard or Basic

If you have updated your installation of MicroSurvey CAD and have chosen to install the Ultimate version you will need to know:

  1. Your menus will need to be reset before you can access the new PointCloud Linework functions.  Please pick here for a short video to see how to do it.
  2. This is a new version, you will need to upgrade your license in order to run the program.  Please contact your sales representative.
  3. If you want to try out the new PointCloud features before deciding to purchase an upgrade, please contact your sales representative so he can arrange to reset your evaluation period.  This will give you 30 days in which to use all the functions of MicroSurvey CAD Premium plus the PointCloud features.
  4. To change your installation from Ultimate to a different version you will need to uninstall and reinstall the program and chose different options as you install.
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  1. James Johnston

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
