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MicroSurvey embeddedCAD 2012 Known Issues


Date Reported: May 27, 2011

Status: Confirmed (12.0.0)

Problem: LISP, VBA, DIESEL, ARX, and other programming extensions are not supported.

Solution: As with AutoCAD LT®, this is a limitation of the AutoCAD OEM engine on which MicroSurvey embeddedCAD is built.  Users requiring LISP, VBA, DIESEL, ARX, or any other programming extensions should instead consider using MicroSurvey CAD or MicroSurvey inCAD.


Date Reported: May 27, 2011

Status: Confirmed (12.0.0)

Problem: Title Blocks inserted using the _TB (MsAnnotate | Insert Sheet and Title Block) command's "Layout insertion" method do not correspond with the layout sheet size and orientation settings.

Solution: Users must use the _TBCONFIG command (or right-click on the Layout tab and select "Properties") to specify the appropriate sheet size and orientation, matching the title block that was inserted.  Available options are specific to the selected printer, so MicroSurvey cannot automatically set these options.


Date Reported: May 27, 2011


Status: Confirmed (12.0.0)


Problem: When running embeddedCAD under Windows Vista or Windows 7, the "What's This?" Help feature may not work.

Solution: If you wish to use the "What's This?" Help feature, you will need to download and install an update from Microsoft, because Vista and 7 do not ship with the WinHelp32 viewer. Please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. Please note, the main help file will work without this update.


Date Reported: May 27, 2011

Status: Confirmed (12.0.0)


Problem: The menu bar may show multiple copies of the Ms* menus if you save a new workspace.


Solution: Use the CUI command to customize your workspace and delete any menus beginning with Ms from it (MsTools, MsPoints, etc). These menus will be automatically added on to the current workspace at runtime, so they should not be defined as part of your workspace. This is on our bug list for future development.


Date Reported: May 27, 2011

Status: Confirmed (12.0.0)


Problem: The menu bar may get out of order (so the Ms* menus appear before File, Edit, View, etc) if you use the CUI command to customize your interface.


Solution: Re-select your current workspace, by using the WSCURRENT command or via the Tools | Workspaces menu. This will unfortunately also turn off any other toolbars and palettes you may have turned on, but you can simply turn them back on and any customizations you may have made to them are left unchanged. This is on our bug list for future development.

Date Reported: February 15, 2012

Status: Confirmed (12.0.0/12.1.0)


Problem: The Check For Updates command does not work - you may see an error message that "The updater.ini file was not found."


Solution: If you are running the release version (v12.0.0) you can download SP1 (v12.1.0) here.  If you are runing SP1 then there are currently no updates available.  This command will be fixed in the next version of embeddedCAD.

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