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Run Time Error when Launching MicroSurvey Program

Intellicad 6.6 requires that the "My Documents" folder in your windows system be targeted to the desktop computer before it will allow your MicroSurvey Program to open.  If it is mapped somewhere different the user will sometimes see this error when they launch the program:

If you are seeing this error check the properties of "My Documents" by right clicking on the icon.  Below is an example where the target folder is to a mapped drive, not to the desktop computer.  This arrangement is intended to allow users to synchronize their data with a central server when they are connected to the network:

In some cases users are able to run the program again once they reconnect with a VPN or other network.  But to address this problem permanently "My Documents" will need to be targetted to the desktop computer (usually the c: drive) and a different arrangement found for synchronizing files.


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. James Johnston

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