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MicroSurvey inCAD 2012 Known Issues

Date Reported: December 18, 2009

Status:Confirmed (10.1.0)

Problem:MicroSurvey commands are not added to the AutoCAD menus after install, until you open a drawing.

Solution:inCAD will always launch Project Manager on startup, and after a drawing is selected inCAD will load the MicroSurvey menus.



Date Reported:November 2, 2009

Status:Confirmed (10.1.0)

Problem:When running inCAD under Windows Vista or Windows 7, the "What's This?" Help feature may not work.

Solution:If you wish to use the "What's This?" Help feature, you may need to download and install an update from Microsoft, because Vista and 7 do not ship with the WinHelp32 viewer. Please refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Basearticle for more information. Please note, the main Help files will work without this update.



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  1. Brian Sloman

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