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MSCAD 2005 Licensing Options

Use this document to learn how to register MSCAD 2005 for a network or desktop license and how to use the take home and check out options.

NOTE: Below copied from original article BUT links in PDF document point to non-existing movies. Hiding article as DRAFT only purposefully.


30 Day Demo Period

MicroSurvey has introduced a new licensing scheme for the 2005 and 2006 product line of desktop products only. 

All new installs of MicroSurvey products will work for a period of 30 days. After 30 days, the product will convert itself to 

To convert an expired version to a full version, view the following movie.


Take Home Option

A new Take Home Option is available to allow a user to temporarily take a license home with them.

1. You need to have the product installed on both your office and home computers.

2. Your office computer needs to have a fully registered stand alone license.

3. You need to know the User Code 2 value for your home machine

4. You can create a take home license for a period of 1 to 5 days.

5. The take home license will work on computers that are either in demo or crippled mode.

To learn more about the take home option, watch the following two movies.



Network License Support

MicroSurvey now has network license support. You can now create a folder that contains a license file that other computers can access for authorization purposes. There is no limit to the amount of computers that can be licensed, the only criteria is that everyone has full access to the license folder.

View the following movies to learn more about settings up, accessing and displaying information about the network license file.





Network - Check Out Option

When you have a network license system setup, you can temporarily 

check out”  licenses to use  on laptop computers.

View the following movies to learn more about the check out options.



Permanent License Transfer

You can permanently transfer a license from one computer to another. Once you have completed the transfer process, the old computer will be converted to crippled mode. Only use this if you need to move your license. An example would be when you buy a new computer, and would like to use MicroSurvey on it, instead of your old computer.

View the following movies to learn more about the transfer license process.





crippled mode which disables saving and printing. Crippled version can be converted to a fully functional version, or can be temporarily activated using the check outor take home options.ConvertDemoToFull.htm


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