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MicroSurvey CAD 2008 SP 1.2 v8.1.2 Full Install

This is a full install for MicroSurvey CAD 2008 SP1.2.

We suggest you uninstall any previous version you have installed before installing.

View the release notes now.
Click Here


You must have a release (8.1.1) installed prior to applying the patch. You might not be required to update you USB key to run MicroSurvey CAD 2008 SP1.2. Any key registered with 8.1.0, or 8.1.1 will run 8.1.2. For a detailed explanation about how we use product version numbers and USB keys, you can can refer to the following article.

Click Here

If your Maintenance Subscription has not yet expired, you can use the License Manager to update your key to work with the new version. We recommend installing and using the updated License Manager to do this, which can be downloaded from our online Helpdesk system.

Click Here

Always download installs to your computer and run the install from there, never run the install over the web.

To confirm you are running the latest version, you should see MicroSurvey CAD 2008 SP 1.2 in the program title bar.


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