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Connecting a Leica CS15 to a Leica TS15 using MicroSurvey FieldGenius Instruction Guide

This guide describes how to create a robotic total station profile using a Leica TS15 robotic total station, a Leica CS15 controller, and MicroSurvey FieldGenius 2012.

This guide will work for both the RH15 radio handle and CTR16 radio handle.

This guides describes 3 methods of connecting a TS15 to a CS15.  The first sections explains how to connect the two devices via these device's internal radios.  This would be for robotic total station data collection.  Then the guide describes how to conncect
these two devices via a serial cable and then via Bluetooth.  This would be appropriate when the operator wishes to work behind the instrument in a non-robotic mode.

Please find the guide attached to this article.


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