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Output Error: <Line: X> Missing or Invalid Coordinate Value

When first trying to process your field data you may see a message like this:

ERROR [Line: 4] Missing or Invalid Coordinate Value

P R733 28-18-10.66188 81-26-28.82737 !


The first line is the error message

The second line is a copy of the line in the data file where the error occured.

The third line is a row of asterisks that ends at the spot where the error was encountered.  In the example above the problem was that the STAR*NET project was set to 3D but that the data is 2D (note there is no elevation following the Longitude and Latitude in the "P" line.)  When the program reached the first "!" which fixes the station it was expecting a number.

The row of asterisks is a good tool for finding the cause of errors, even if the situation is not the same as in this example.



There are two ways around this particular situation:

1. add a .2d inline entry before the block of 2D data and this tells STAR*NET to modify it's expectations.  At the end of the 2D block add .3d in a new row and keep everything else 3D.


P R733 28-18-10.66188 81-26-28.82737 ! ! 

P R354 28-21-31.17613 81-23-15.97237 ! !  

P GIS146R 28-23-28.64055 81-30-22.17139 ! !

P GIS0150 28-27-05.29586 81-18-36.08734 ! !

P GIS0454 28-29-41.73322 81-21-34.64445 ! !

P GIS0460 28-23-29.66410 81-27-56.20436 ! !

P E170 28-19-08.10992 81-29-52.48054    ! !

E ECPT1  33.550   !


2. or set the project settings to 2D

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  1. James Johnston

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
