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Solid Blocks inserted via Quickposts do not Show as Solid

We have seen drawings that do not display the solid fill that they are expecting to see when they insert a block using "Quickposts" in MicroSurvey CAD.

In one example this was a dxf that had been created by the older "Rapid Transit" program.

It's important to note that when using the "Quickposts" feature the automap named mscad.csv must be loaded (or at least the list of descriptions which it contains).  The program always loads this automap by default.

Resolve this by checking "Show solid fill for Planes, Polylines and Traces" in Settings | Drawing Settings Drawing Units:

Be sure to set the pulldown in "Change Settings for:" to "Display in order to see the options shown above.

If you see this issue with EmbeddedCAD or inCAD you may need to address the issue by using a different Visual Style.


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  1. James Johnston

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