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“Error, attempting to create directory C:\Users\%User%\Documents, this file already exists” on Multi-User Computer

After having successfully installing MicroSurvey MSCAD or MapScenes 2013 with administrator rights on a multi-user computer a user may encounter an “Error, attempting to create directory C:\Users\%User%\Documents, this name already exists" where %User% is the user account used to install the program. This occurs on each launch of the application. Note this does not apply to MicroSurvey 2010 applications.

Error Attempting to Create Directory

The user can select OK or cancel any and all error messages and the CAD program is functional until trying to use the SyncWizard or write projects to a data collector in either application which brings up the same error message. It is caused by the application immediately looking up the Transfer settings in the registry remembering the account of the administrator installer. These values are set at install-time, and queried at run-time for use by the FieldGenius or EVR import/export commands for the default folder.

To correct the issue on a multi-user computer, subsequent users logging on who encounter this error message should first:

1. Create new upload and download folders in a location they have access to, calling them say, "My Uploads" and "My Downloads". You could create them under My Documents/MicroSurvey/Jobs/for example or on a network drive.

2. If using MicroSurvey MSCAD or MapScenes2013 to create FieldGenius or Evidence Recorder projects (respectively) for transferring to a data collector you must configure the transfer application MsTransfer to point to the newly created Upload and Download folders from Step 1. under Options/Options Dialog/User Defined menu.

3. Launch MicroSurvey MapScenes 2013 or MicroSurvey MSCAD 2013. Cancel any error messages. Then select MsTraverse/FieldGenius SyncWizard (in MSCAD 2013) or MsMeasurement/Evidence Recorder SyncWizard (in MapScenes 2013), again cancelling any error messages (there may be as many as 7) until the SyncWizard Import Data Selection window comes up. Browse to the newly created downloads folder from Step1; verify the path shown is correct, select cancel and re-launch the routine. You can now use the SyncWizard without errors.


4. MicroSurvey MSCAD 2013 users should verify they can create FieldGenius projects under MsTraverse/Write Collector Files Out/FieldGenius Projects. If the path in the "Save As" field is incorrect select the Default button and continue.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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