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STAR*NET DBX Converter - Missing Geoid File

Some users when importing a DBX project into STAR*NET run into a missing geoid file message. This article will walk you through on how to resolve the missing geoid file.

The error message that appears when trying to import: "Can't find Geoid file C:\ProgramData\Microsurvey\StarNet\V9\Mapping\Nlgeoid09-Local.GEM for job 180971 20181203"

The error message is shown below:

To resolve this error, users will need to:

1) Find and Copy the .GEM file off your data collector

2) Create a new folder at a known location on your computer and paste the .GEM file into the folder if you have Leica Infinity paste the .GEM file

into: C:\ProgramData\Leica Geosystems\Infinity\geoid models

3) Launch DBX converter and browse either the folder you have created or the Infinity folder to set the Geoid path

4) Import

After pasting the .GEM file and setting the Geoid path and re importing, you should now be able to import your data without any errors.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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