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Help! My Active Coordinate Editor has gone Missing!

The Active Coordinate Editor is an important dialog that provides insight into the survey database that is used to create your drawing.

Open it in MicroSurveyCAD, SurveyTools for BricsCAD, embeddedCAD or inCAD from MsPoints | Active Coordinate Editor

Sometimes this dialog can go missing.  Examples where this can occur:

  • The window was minimized and has shrunk down to a small toolbar that is visible in the bottom left corner of one of your monitors.  Sometimes that can be hard to find.
  • At one point you were working with multiple monitors and parked the Active Coordinate Editor on one monitor while working.  Later you disconnected the monitor, and MicroSurvey CAD is still trying to display on that missing screen.

This is easy to fix if you know where to look.  You can reset the location of the Active Coordinate Editor by removing the grideditor.ini found in:

C:\Users\(Your Login)\AppData\Roaming\MicroSurvey\MSCAD\20XX

The gridetor.ini file contains information about the Window sizing, positioning and column properties in Active Coordinate Editor so you will need to reconfigure these properties when you reopen the program.

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  1. James Johnston

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
