A FEW OF THE NEW FEATURES IN FIELDGENIUS 2011 VERSION 5.0.4: * Ashtech, NavCom, GeoMax, FOIF, Hi-Target, Leica, Pentax, and South instrument drivers have been added. * Added a battery power indic...
NEW FEATURES IN FIELDGENIUS 2011: * Brand new look and feel – We completely reworked all of our graphics and icons. * Desktop Version Improvements – With more and more tablet PCs entering the mar...
MicroSurvey FieldGenius 2011 is available in multiple languages. Please see links below. Pick on the appropriate link, save to your desktop and then double click to run. Follow the prompts to install ...
[img src="https://s3.microsurvey.com/os/FieldGenius2011/images/FG2011.jpg" alt="FieldGenius2011 Downloads Page" align="bottom"] WELCOME TO THE FIELDGENIUS2011 DOWNLOADS PAGE. NEW LICENSE KEY REQUIRE...
[img src="https://helpdesk-microsurvey.kayako.com/media/url/F8VREfARPEoXFtRdcqONuJ92DKRFeGCC" alt="FieldGenius2011 Downloads Page" align="bottom"] WELCOME TO THE FIELDGENIUS 2011 VERSION 5.0.4 DOWNLO...