Update: MicroSurvey CAD, inCAD and embeddedCAD 2013 include a change in the way point history is written that greatly reduces the frequency of some of the errors mentioned below. If you have not alre...
Some MicroSurvey software updates require that you update your USB License Key in order to run the new version. The rule we use is as follows: * You must update your key if the first or second ver...
MSCAD / MAPSCENES MOUSE RECOMMENDATIONS We are often asked for recommendations when somebody is about to buy a new mouse, or for‚ tips when somebody has bought a new mouse but is having problems wit...
I am an Alberta Land Surveyor and we now use digital submissions for our plans. To make this easier, I heard that you now have the ability to map layer names to new layer names and check the job later...
The MicroSurvey Assistant is a streamlined way to get most of the repetitive steps done without having to go to the pulldown menus all the time. Most people start jobs in one of a few different ways a...