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Turning Grips OFF to use the CADLines dialogs

To be able to simply pick on a Smart Entity and have the CADLines dialog box come up on screen, the GRIPS must be turned off. If the grips are on, when you pick a Line you will see little blue boxes at the ends of the line and at the midpoint.

To turn grips off, you can type in the command GRIPS and then type in 0. 

Command: GRIPS

Enter new value for GRIPS <0>: 0

You can also go to the Drawing Settings menu after selecting the Home button -> Drawing Settings -> pick on the Display Tab -> then change the option "Change Settings For" to GRIPS and remove the check mark on Enable Grips. 

Ways to quickly Toggle Grips:

MsTools -> Defaults group -> Grips button in top right corner

MS MAIN CONTROL toolbar, button in middle toggles grips

Learn more about GRIPS ON behavior in this article.

Glen W. Cameron, C.E.T.

Technical Support Manager

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