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  • MicroSurvey CAD System Requirements

    Minimum system requirements to run MicroSurvey CAD 2021 and newer: In order to run Surface, Animation and/or PointCloud routines, we recommend using at least the recommended system requirements liste...

  • Issues with AMD HD and AMD Radeon Graphics Cards

    We have had reports from users that certain AMD hd graphic cards will cause MSCAD 2014, 2015 and 2016 to crash while launching. Many of these users reported they had no problems until a recent update ...

  • Hardware Acceleration

    In this article, we will show you the steps for turning off your Hardware Acceleration. You may want to do this if you are experiencing display issues with the program and are certain that your graphi...

  • Turning Grips OFF to use the CADLines dialogs

    To be able to simply pick on a Smart Entity [] and have the CADLines dialog box come up on screen, the GRIPS must be turned off. If the grips are on, when ...

  • MicroSurvey "Smart" Entities and the CAD Lines Dialogs

    MicroSurvey Smart Entities are special CAD entities that are tied to your points database.  When the GRIPS setting is OFF, they will appear and allow you to start survey computation operations or view...

  • Missing MicroSurvey Functions can be caused by changing "Experience Level."

    In MicroSurveyCAD, in the Options menu, it is possible to change experience level to Intermediate or Beginner.  This has the effect of hiding more advanced functions from the user.  MicroSurvey recomm...

  • Reset Profile to Default

    In this article, we will show you the steps for resetting your profile to default, as well as saving your current profile in case later on you need to come back to it. Most users will start customizin...

  • IntelliCAD Explorer Window is not Visible

    Sometimes users report that they try to open the IntelliCAD Explorer to view (for example) layer properties and the program behaves as though the dialog is open, but they cannot see it.  In most cases...

  • Potential conflict of Nvidia Quadro Graphics cards and IntelliCAD10.1

    Customers who use MicroSurvey CAD and newer NVIDIA Graphics Hardware Accelerators (the Quadro in particular) have reported a range of error messages or instability over the past years. We are happy to...

  • Windows 7 support to end in 2020

    Microsoft has announced that support for Windows 7 will end on January 14, 2020. According to Microsoft [], If you continu...