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Missing InclineCorrection.exe file

If you are receiving an error message when trying to calibrate the electronic bubble on your GPS receiver with your Windows Mobile device about missing "InclineCorrection.exe" file , this article will walk you through on how to rectify the problem.

Installing the Manufacturer's branded version of FieldGenius will include the InclineCorrection.exe file that is missing and is the recommended procedure to resolve the issue.

ex) Install GeoMax FieldGenius, SOUTH FieldGenius, Pentax FieldGenius.

If you do not have access to install the manufacturer branded installer, please follow the steps below as a workaround:

1) Below is the error message the user will receive if they are missing the file when going to calibrate the electronic bubble:

2) Close out of FieldGenius

3) User will need to download the attached zipped folder "Z35 Calibration" and unzip its contents.

4) Open File Explorer and Paste the unzipped folder into the following file path: Program Files\MicroSurvey FieldGenius\Programs

5) You should now see the Z35 Calibration folder pasted into the file path as shown below:

6) Once the folder is placed in the path you should now be able to go back into FieldGenius and calibrate the electronic bubble.

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