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General Information when using FieldGenius

  • Reset FieldGenius when unable to open/launch

    In some cases, usually after the data collector crashes or the battery dies while FieldGenius is in certain routines, one of the system files can get corrupted. This causes the program to fail to open...

  • FieldGenius Can't Launch in Full Screen Mode on Windows 10 or 11

    When installed on a Windows Tablet PC, FieldGenius is designed to make the best use of screen space by displaying in Full Screen mode.  In most cases this is the best display mode to use as buttons ar...

  • Raw Data File Format - TDS RW5 Specs

    FieldGenius 2004/2005/2006/2007 and Evidence Recorder 3.0/4.0 use the TDS RW5 Raw File format.‚  Complete specifications are available in‚ the following document, provided to MicroSurvey by Tripod Dat...

  • Exporting GPS Points directly to Google Earth

    The new user defined ASCII Export feature in EVR 10 provides users with a wide variety of export options.  Here's a short guide to showing you how you can export GPS points directly to Google Earth fo...

  • A Guide to handling Static Data collected by FieldGenius with a Leica GNSS Rover

    MicroSurvey FieldGenius fully supports Leica's many receiver models from the GS14 upwards. FieldGenius is primarily used in an RTK environment as it allows for simple topography work and combines easi...

  • Static Logging with FieldGenius

    MicroSurvey FieldGenius for Windows and MicroSurvey FieldGenius for Android support static (raw) logging with many receivers. Review this Help article for a list of receivers that support this functio...

  • Leica GeoCOM Authentication

    Understanding Leica's GeoCOM Authentication license  In this article, we will explain Leica's GeoCOM authentication process as it affects users of FieldGenius or Evidence Recorder.   IMPORTANT NOTE Le...

  • AxioNet - FieldGenius Configuration Guide via NTRIP

    Axio-Net Configuration Guide via NTRIP This article will walk you through how to connect to the Axio-Net correction service in FieldGenius. 1.Project Configuration a) Launch FieldGenius and Start a Ne...

  • FieldGenius Configuration Guide via NTRIP

    FieldGenius Configuration Guide via NTRIP This article will walk you through how to connect to your NTRIP caster correction service in FieldGenius.   1.Project Configuration a) Launch FieldGenius and ...

  • Missing InclineCorrection.exe file

    If you are receiving an error message when trying to calibrate the electronic bubble on your GPS receiver with your Windows Mobile device about missing InclineCorrection.exe file , this article will w...