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Canadian Geoid Models Download

FieldGenius, MicroSurvey CAD, and STAR*NET support many Canadian Geoid models.

It is recommended to get the geoid files directly from the NRCAN website, which will require creating an account with them in order to see the BYN files for download.

The Geoid Models listed below are not installed with the software, and therefore they must be copied manually to the data collector or PC running the software.

Download the appropriate file linked to below and save it on your computer. Once the file is downloaded; unzip it and then follow the instructions to set up and use the file: Instructions for FieldGenius - Instructions for MicroSurvey CAD Products - Instructions for STAR*NET

Canada-Wide Regional Coverage
CGG2013 YT - NT - NU - NL
BC - AB - SK - MB - ON - QC - AC
HTv2.0 (Epoch 2010)
HTv2.0 (Epoch 2002)
HTv2.0 (Epoch 1997) YT - NT - NU - NL
BC - AB - SK - MB - ON - QC - AC

Instructions for FieldGenius

FieldGenius requires a geoid file for your location in order to store orthometric (geoid) elevations. The file should be copied into:

On a mobile device:

<location varies>\MicroSurvey FieldGenius\Programs\Mapping\

On a Tablet computer running Windows 8 or newer:

C:\ProgramData\MicroSurvey\FieldGenius\<your version>\Mapping\

Note: the "ProgramData" folder is hidden by default.

To use the Geoid Models in FieldGenius:

  • From the Main Menu | Settings | Coordinate Systems change the Vertical Systems field to the desired .byn file
  • Your GPS derived coordinates will now have orthometric heights derived from the selected geoid model.

Instructions for MicroSurvey CAD, SurveyTools for BricsCAD, inCAD or embeddedCAD

MicroSurvey CAD, inCAD and embeddedCAD 2014 and newer support using geoid files for transforming orthometric (geoid) elevations. The geoid file(s) for your region should be copied into:

On Windows 8 or newer:

C:\ProgramData\MicroSurvey\(Product Name)\yyyy\mscad\Mapping\

Note: the "ProgramData" folder is hidden by default.

Instructions for STAR*NET

MicroSurvey STAR*NET supports using geoid files for transforming orthometric (geoid) elevations.
MicroSurvey STAR*NET 7 (and earlier) requires that you convert the geoid file(s) into STAR*NET's "neutral" .ght format, using the free STAR*Geoid utility. Not all geoid formats are supported, please refer to your STAR*NET product manual for additional details and instructions.
MicroSurvey STAR*NET V8 and newer allows you to copy the the older .ght, .bin or .byn geoid file(s) for your region directly into the following folder, and then can be selected on the Modeling tab of your Project Options:

On Windows 8 or newer:


Note: the "ProgramData" folder is hidden by default.

Older Data Collectors running FieldGenius:

In the past, data collectors came with a smaller memory-storage capacity. Geoid model files could easily fill up the entire data collector's hard drive, or were even too large to transfer to the device.

Because of this we created this utility that makes a subset of the geoid model that is small enough to fit on a data collector's hard drive. Typically you would create a subset based on the location of the project area. Currently, all MicroSurvey data collectors come with an enormous storage-memory capacity therefore making geoid model subsets unnecessary (we now just copy the entire geoid model file onto the data collector) and that is why we now say it is "optional".

If you wish to create a geoid model subset, click on the link below to download the Datum Grid Editor.

NOTE: You must be using FieldGenius 2010 or older, the Datum Grid Editor is not supported in newer versions.

Download Datum Grid Editor - 110 Megabytes

Note: The Datum Grid Editor only works on North American geoid models.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. John Coldrick

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