Sample geo-referenced raster image file (.JPG) and world positioning file (.JGW) that can be imported into FieldGenius 2007 v3.1.0 or newer, or Evidence Recorder v4.1.0 or newer. This is an aerial ph...
Please review this article for a list of new features, fixes and enhancements on FieldGenius 2007. ...
This is a manual for FieldGenius 2007...
Use this series of screen shots as a guide to installing FieldGenius 2007 on you data collector....
Use this as a guide if you are installing FieldGenius 2007 on a Data Collector with FieldGenius 2005 or older....
Important steps to take when upgrading...
July 6, 2007 CURRENT VERSION - FIELDGENIUS 2007 VERSION 3.1.2 Read this [] to learn more about version 3.1.2 and to get a complete release history of Field...
FieldGenius 2007 - Quick Update Current Version - FieldGenius 2007 Version 3.1.0 May 23, 2007 Information about FieldGenius 2007: Release History [/helpdesk/index.php?_m=downloads&_a=viewdownload&...
November 28 , 2006 OLD‚ VERSION - FIELDGENIUS 2007 VERSION 3.0.1 As of September 7, 2007 the current version of FieldGenius is 3.1.2.‚ please link to it Here [/helpdesk/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_...