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Surfaces & Volumes

  • Point Extraction gives me Red Circles.

    Q) When I extract points to a surface I sometimes get little red circles on every point I select. Where are they coming from? How did I get these? [img src="

  • Labeling Contours

    I have had a few customers call with problems relating to Labelling Contours. The problem is not the labelling command but it has to do with the contours and whether or not they have been smoothed. I...

  • Contouring at or below elevation zero

    Q) I need to create contours for the bottom of a lake. I already know how to do normal contours for most jobs but if the lake elevation is at zero elevation, how do I do the contours below zero? A) B...

  • Volume Calculations - I don't think the answer is right

    When I follow the steps in the Earthwork Volume Tutorial to calculate volumes with my own data, I find that the answer is not even close to what I know it should be. WHY? Several things can cause bad...

  • Difference between LAYERS and SURFACES

    Layers are found in the CAD program and are used to assist you in controlling the various types of information in the drawing. It allows you to control the colour of the objects, the line type of the ...

  • Contours from LDD do not appear or can not be selected in MSCAD

    Some programs and/or add-ons to AutoCAD - such as Land Development Desktop, or Civil 3D - have the ability to draw contours and other objects using special entities that are specific to that program, ...

  • Calculate Volumes - little time to learn

    The Earthwork Volume Tutorial was designed to show you the major steps, and give you a few options, to calculate volumes. This tutorial can be found either in the HELP menu under MicroSurvey Tutorials...